| #3001 Miff Film Fest Poster, framed 18x25 | $70.00 |
| #3680 Felt Sunset 14x11 | $30.00 |
| #3681 sand and Sea l 12x12, #3682 sand and Sea ll 12x12 | $40.00 |
| #3684 Paris 1998 10x13 | $40.00 |
| #3686 Berries Illust. 16x12 #3685 Peaches Illust. 16x12 | $40.00 |
| #3689 12, 1, 2 10x13 #3690 Red Star 14x14 | $25.00 |
| #3693 Pigs 11x9, #3694 Goats 11x9, #3695 Balloons 11x9 | $25.00 |
| #3696 Perfect Attendance 12x15, #3697 Uni Degree 12x14, #3698 Cert. of Appreciation 17x20 | $30.00 |
| #3699 Chinese Houseboat 13x11 | $40.00 |
| #3700 Copper Home Sweet Home 16x10 | $30.00 |
| #3701 Antlers 13x11 | $40.00 |
| #3702 Dog On Plaid Blanket 12x10 #2319 Thread Boy 9x12 | $30.00 |